Windows 7 or higher, ubuntu 10 or higher, freeBSD (experemental).
All other addons and mods supported in compatibility mode
Playing OGG and WAV music tracks from the hdd.
OpenAL 3d audio engine with EFX (high-quality environmental audio sound effects both win and linux).
xBox360 controller support (windows only).
Postrocessing effects -Bloom, Depth of Field, Radial Blur, Thermal Vision, Film Grain, Gamma/Brightness/Contrast/Saturation/Vibration, Motion Blur, SSAO, Scanline and mediam cinematic filters.
Radiosity normal mapping with high resolution lightmaps.
Reflection (screen space local reflection) and refraction surfaces.
Md3 model format support (with out tags, no q3 player models support!!!).
Advanced decal and particle system (infinity decals and soft particles).
2d lighting for hud digits, console background and menu tags.
Oren-Nayar Diffuse with GGX Specular BRDF, Phong, Lambert and Sub-Surface Scattering lighting models.
Real time per-pixel lighting and shadowing (like DooM3) with hi quality parallax mapping (relief mapping technology) with self-shadowing.
Completely updated rendering takes full advantage of the latest graphics cards to get the perfect picture, preserving the original style of the game. QuakeIIxp is a multi-platform (windows, linux and freeBSD (experemental)) graphics port of the game Quake II developed by Id Software.